The Trade Union Leaders of Xiaogan State High-tech Developmental Zone gave warmly Solicitude for The Starff who Have a Difficult Life

Release time:2024-02-02

Mr. Chen Shuming, the executive vice chairman of the trade union of Xiaogan StateHigh-tech Developmental Zone, who came to HUBEI HANGUANG TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD AND gave warmly Solicitude to the starff who have a difficult life on Feb 2nd,2024. He concerned the starff’s

Mr. Chen Shuming, the executive vice chairman of the trade union of Xiaogan StateHigh-tech Developmental Zone, who came to HUBEI HANGUANG TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD AND gave warmly Solicitude to the starff who have a difficult life on Feb 2nd,2024. He concerned the starff’s

workingand living situations, and encourage them to build confidence, work hard and overcome difficulties. At the same time, he blessed everyone have a happy and peaceful Spring Festival. Mr.Luo Mingzhou, who is the secretary of the company's party committee and chairman of the labor union, accompanied him.




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